Tuesday, January 03, 2006

First Race, 2006

First Race of 2006: January 1, 2006

San Bruno Hill Climb

I wasn’t there for this race. First, it was pouring rain, and I was busy building an Ark.
Second, it had a 10am start on NEW YEAR’S DAY.

Do we need a third reason?

Mins went, though, and Mins’ dad deserves some credit here. MIns spent NY’s Eve with his dad, BatteryMan. The two of them packed up the next morning, then came over to my house to get everything else they needed for the race, then set out with Mins driving (he just got his driver’s license a couple of days before). I have no idea what time they arrived, but I do recall that I crawled out of bed at about 8:30 to find Mins’ 2 water bottles on the counter. Just as I was picking up the phone, to call them, Mins ran back inside to grab them and his rain jacket. Then, they were off.)

I heard from Mins that there was a mass start – his first with a field like that, which numbered 170. I’m glad I wasn’t there. Those things scare me a little.

I heard from BatteryMan that his advice to Mins was to leave it all on the last hill, and finish that with nothing but a smile on his face.

Mins says that’s what he did, and he’s happy with that.

Unfortunately, someone else had a wee bit more than a smile left... :)

Ignoring class, Mins finished in the top half of the whole field of 170 (I think there were like 19 juniors; he was in the top third). But, where should he be if he really wants to be a competitor? I guess we have to do some more research.

Still, a nice start to the year, I think. He had fun.


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